I accidentally fell into owning an agency. I didn’t get an MBA or set out to do anything business-related. I set out on the path to becoming a teacher. A high school teacher teaching contemporary world problems. But life took me down a different path and in 2014 I found myself starting a business that would soon become an agency, Simple Pin Media.
*Read more about my origin story.
I had no idea that it would scale to that model, nor did I feel comfortable calling myself an agency owner. I wrestled immensely with the name “agency” until one day I realized I was actually a social media agency owner. The title felt like it was me all along.
Starting an Agency
Since I had no formal education before starting this adventure, I was left to blaze my own trail. I leaned on personality wiring, coaching, and a lot of mistakes. Truthfully, I believe it was the best way to learn. I got a front-row seat instead of a textbook education filled with expectations and someone else’s ideas. It’s been the greatest adventure right alongside the hardest.
I believe that other people’s stories make the greatest impact on our life. While we are listening to their stories we take away something that no one else does. A phrase, an impact, a perspective. Their story leaves us with something that we take into our own experience. Oftentimes it hits us at just the right time in just the right place. We take that little nugget, implement the lesson, and we’re set off on a new path had we never heard that story before.
Telling My Story
I’m going to tell you my story in the form of lessons I’ve learned over the next series of blog posts. I can teach you all the systems (and I do), give you all the strategies I’ve implemented with clients and employees, and three steps towards whatever you need to know but sometimes what you need is a story. You may need to hear my experience as you build your agency to help you avoid the mistake I made. My story may help you make a decision between A and B or it may just give you comfort that you’re on the right path.
Here’s what I want you to know. This isn’t about me. Sure, a story is about me and what I went through, but it’s truly about passing on what I’ve learned and stewarding those lessons well so they can help someone else build their dream business. When I read eMyth in my first year of business, the story of the baker helped me see what I didn’t want. Had I not listened to her story I would have drowned in doing all the work myself and lost what I loved in the process. I hope my stories save you from going down the path that leads to burnout. I hope they inspire you, motivate you, and help you at the perfect time.
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Let the storytelling begin. Here’s to you. Here’s to me and here’s to growing a business that makes an impact.
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