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#10:  How to Track Client Inquiries

Tracking who, what, when, and where of client inquiries is not only important to your client acquisition but it’s also important to your marketing. It tells you where to go and where people are finding you.

In today’s episode, we cover the pathway that clients go through to sign up for your services and call.

Then we dive into what you need to be recording to gather the best data for marketing in the right spaces for new clients. Relying less on gut and more on data.

I’d love to hear from you. Are you tracking client inquiries? What are you learning from them if you are? DM me on Instagram.

Be sure to take a listen in to learn more about tracking client inquiries.

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Tracking who, what, when, and where of client inquiries is not only important to your client acquisition but it’s also important to your marketing. Learn how to track your clients.

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